此次活動的投影片已公佈於 http://www.hadoop.tw,歡迎前往下載。
第一屆台灣 Hadoop 使用者社群會議
Cloud Computing for Advanced Ocean Research and
Hadoop Taiwan User Group Meeting 2009
- 會議時間:九十八年十一月十日(週二)
- 會議地點:國家高速網路與計算中心 國際會議廳
- (新竹市研發六路七號)
- 主辦單位:國家高速網路與計算中心
- 協辦單位:台灣海洋科技研究中心
- 報名網址:http://registrano.com/events/hadoop-tw
- 聯絡電話:王耀聰 (04)2462-0202 # 834
Cloud Computing is a hot research topic since year 2007. Hadoop, HBase and Hive are the key components of many cloud computing infrastructures. Cloudera is the first company to provide technical support of Hadoop. In this workshop, we invite Christophe Bisciglia to share the experience of how to build cloud services with Hadoop and Cloudera's open source business model – training and certification. Besides, we also invite local developers of Taiwan Hadoop communities to share their projects.
This workshop is now free to register. Please use following URL to join this event. http://registrano.com/events/hadoop-tw